WHO: Cell Phone Radiation Can Trigger Cancer

A panel of leading scientists revealed that radiation from cell phones (mobile phones) can become an agent causes brain cancer. Experts put the phone in the category of objects which have a risk to health, in conjunction with pesticide, DDT, exhaust gas, and coffee.

According to news agency Associated Press (AP), these findings were announced Tuesday, May 31, 2011 in Lyon, France, by the International Agency for Research on cancer after doing some research. This agency is under the direction of the World Health Organization (WHO).

After a week-long joint research, the scientists found the full type elektronagnetik on cell phone radiation, microwave, and radar. According to them, there is evidence that cell phone radiation can trigger two types of brain cancer. However, it needs to be researched further.

"We found some red thread, the evidence which reveals to us how a cancer can occur. However there are still some things that are not yet known and should be ensured, "said panel member Jonathan Samet, from the University of Southern California, such as loaded AP, Wednesday June 1, 2011.

Meanwhile, the other members of the panel, Kurt Straif said, exposure to radiation is highest when the mobile phone used to call. "For the use of short messages (SMS) or use a hands-free will and out of his speech he."

However, although ' may be carcinogens (cancer-causing substance) ' it's meaningless cell phone automatically cause cancer. And a number of scientists also believe these findings to be sold, thus changing the habits of people.

"Whatever it may be possible to be carcinogens," said Donald Berry, Professor of Biostatistics at the M.d. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas. He was not involved in this research. "This is not something I worry about and not going to stop me using a cell phone."

Because mobile phones are very popular, it may be impossible for experts to compare between mobile phone users are suffering from a brain tumor with people who do not use the device but have the same disease. Moreover, according to a survey last year, the number of mobile phone subscribers around the world have reached five billion, or almost three quarters of the global population.

Mobile phone sends a signal to the nearest tower using frequency radio waves--with the same shape with the FM radio waves and microwaves. However, the radiation from mobile phones is not directly damaging DNA and in contrast to the more powerful type of radiation such as x-rays and ultraviolet radiation.
In high level, wave from a mobile phone could heat up the body's tissues. But it has not been ascertained, whether it would damage the cells of the human body.

Some experts recommend that mobile users wireless headset or earpiece wore if worried about the impact brought about that tool for health.

According to Otis Brawley, Chief of the health of the American Cancer Society, appealed to people more concerned about the threat of real rather than cell phones. "Even though cell phones can cause brain tumors, but it kills far fewer people than traffic accidents, for example," he said.
However he suggested limitation of mobile phones to children. So, their brains are still developing.
Source : vivanews.com
